domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

The housing market, which has grown in Spain


The housing market, which has grown in Spain, is emerging in Spain, we have in Spain a nascent economic recovery has made during the summer months we two hundred and fifty thousand jobs plus another hundred and fifty thousand after the summer. We do not think that it is a new housing bubble that comes from how the United States has reduced its ratio of severe poverty by only fifteen percent of the population and having thirty percent of the population, taking it right to live, can not be considered poor or lower middle cals but still pessimistic low cals. That is thirty percent which is used in large areas with the largest employer in the United States that is Waltmart or fast food business much consumption in the United States. This model of workers in large industries fast food or department stores that is made up thirty percent of what pessimistically could consider workers low cals, but not poor because they lack anything while living with hardships, may be in Spain also ausiliados with social Security and residues Grantista country in Europe and in many cases with extra welfare benefits, which is why TO SUPERMARKETS MULTINATIONAL UNITED STATES HAS SOLD TO STAY IN SPAIN NOW But most important is the price of housing that after being down for the past six months and during the past six years, has increased a rise in the price of rental housing and new and old on the price of buying and selling new and old housing, whether homes, flats, single family housing, education or also called villas, 8 percent. All this has occurred in Spain is a good time for construction and also for the housing market

While it is true that since 2006 I keep down the price of housing - rather since 2007-- were destroyed in Spain a million jobs and failed in Spain a million companies, is now expected to upturn in the real estate sector can facilitate the construction of new build homes in major tourist areas and are now awaiting the arrival of multinationals to hire replacement workers that million businesses destroyed, is truer than five hundred thousand jobs recuerados work or rescued from the crisis are most precarious low-wage jobs.

This economic adjustment in Spain has inexorably led to economic growth six months ago growing up in Spain to one and a half percent and three months to one percent and now grow to zero as six percent while the rest of the economy are stagnant or negative growth.

Therefore Spain has become a good country to invest in real estate and construction, one of the best places is certainly IN MENORKA ISLAND

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